



At Elite Underground LLC, we specialize in precision utility installation through our advanced underground boring services. Our horizontal directional drilling (HDD) techniques allow us to efficiently install underground utilities while minimizing surface disruption. Whether you require water lines, sewer pipes, electrical conduits, telecommunications cables, or gas pipelines, we have the expertise and technology to get the job done right.


Efficient Infrastructure Development

Horizontal Directional Drilling, also known as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), is a trenchless technology used for installing underground utilities without the need for extensive digging. Here's a detailed overview of the process and its applications:


  1. Planning and Surveying: Before drilling begins, a detailed survey of the area is conducted to identify any existing underground utilities and obstacles. A precise plan is made to determine the path of the bore.
  2. Drilling a Pilot Hole: A small, guided drill bit is used to create a pilot hole along the planned path. The drill bit is steered using a combination of hydraulic power and electronic tracking systems to ensure it follows the intended route.
  3. Reaming: Once the pilot hole is completed, a larger drill bit, known as a reamer, is pulled back through the pilot hole to enlarge it to the required diameter. This process may be repeated several times with progressively larger reamers.
  4. Pullback: After the hole is sufficiently enlarged, the utility pipe or conduit is attached to the reamer and pulled back through the borehole. This ensures that the pipe is installed in the precise location without the need for open trenches.


  • Utility Installation: HDD is commonly used to install water lines, sewer pipes, electrical conduits, telecommunications cables, and gas pipelines.
  • Environmental Protection: It is often employed in environmentally sensitive areas where traditional trenching would cause significant disruption.
  • Crossing Obstacles: HDD is ideal for crossing under roads, rivers, railways, and other obstacles without disturbing the surface.


  • Minimal Surface Disruption: Because it doesn't require extensive open trenching, HDD minimizes surface disruption, which is particularly beneficial in urban areas and environmentally sensitive zones.
  • Cost-Effective: While the initial cost may be higher than traditional trenching, the reduced need for surface restoration and lower labor costs often result in overall cost savings.
  • Speed and Efficiency: HDD can be faster than traditional excavation, particularly in complex or densely populated areas.
  • Safety: Reduced open trenches mean fewer hazards for workers and the public.
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